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    Views: 1574 | Added by: MsByzova | Date: 2020-08-20 | Comments (9)

    English School Decade.

    It's the best time to show the results of learning English at the lesson.

    Five-formers like fairy tales very much.So, the students of the 5 v grade presented the tale

    "Goldilocks and the Tree Bears" .

    For some weeks we studied the text, worked on the pronunciation,

    had the rehearsals. On the 24-th of January students performed the tale.

    Some parents and teachers came to see the play.

    The young actors were happy to play in class.

    The performance was a great success. Everybody enjoyed the play of young actors.

    They themselves were happy to be ... Read more »

    Category: Top materials | Views: 915 | Added by: MsSavchenko2 | Date: 2019-01-27 | Comments (2)

    You, of course, have seen the students as teachers.

    But you will not often visit a lesson in which a teacher-student presents an online task through a computer-projector-monitor and explains to students how to quickly register with the mobile phone using the access code created by the training platform.

    Then students complete tasks (seen on screen) on their mobile phones. The result of each and the group as a whole is fixed, as well as the correct answers, and are displayed immediately on the screen in the class.

    This is exactly what I saw at  my colleague Ms Olena Shatrova's class, where her student  Marta acted as such a teacher-innovator.

    In the next lesson I offered Vadim, one of my students, to be in the role of such a teacher on the same platform, choosing the topic we are studying, namely, "Conditional S ... Read more »

    Views: 687 | Added by: MsByzova | Date: 2019-01-24 | Comments (0)

    Working in the team is cool.

    From time to time we have unusual lessons at school. And it is great.

    These days we are having an English Language Decade. Many lessons are held by our teachers.

    To tell you the truth we all enjoy these lessons. They are creative , cognitive, and funny at the same time.

    Today 9 formers were having a quiz lesson " The U.K "

    The three teams competed. First they watched the video about the country and its traditions.

    then they were doing different tasks.

    Everybody was hardworking and friendly. The teachers were helpfull

    As usual. aa lo ... Read more »

    Category: Top materials | Views: 663 | Added by: MsSavchenko2 | Date: 2019-01-21 | Comments (1)


    May this new year find you
    healthier and happier,
    peaceful, content, satisfied,
    looking forward
    to fresh, revitalizing interests,
    a variety of pleasures,
    interesting new people,
    material and personal successes
    to make this new year
    the best one yet.
    Happy New Year!

    By Joanna Fuchs

    Category: Top materials | Views: 654 | Added by: MsByzova | Date: 2018-12-31 | Comments (0)

    India-Ukraine Skype conference on the Tale of 2 rivers has wrapped up the project!

    For 2 months the Partners: K.R.Mangalan School, India; Doral Academy, USA; Troyeshchyna Gymnasium, Ukraine - have been participating in a fantastic project!

    Getting ready Photo album 1

    Skype conference Photo album 2

    Su ... Read more »

    Category: Top materials | Views: 577 | Added by: MsByzova | Date: 2018-12-19 | Comments (2)


    Wow, we've delivered lessons in physics and English in 9 Grade!
    We liked to do that..


    As for the children, they behaved very well



    What's more, all the students listened to us with respect regardless of the fact that we do not have any expierence


    ... Read more »

    Views: 897 | Added by: dimakorshak04 | Date: 2018-12-07 | Comments (4)

    On the fourth Thursday in November people in the USA celebrate the most popular holiday.

    It is Thanksgiving Day.

    On this day families get together to say "thanks" to God and members of the family.

    They traditionaly cook a roast turkey and a pumpkin pie for dinner.

    Houses are decorated with whreaths, flowers and leaves.

    Today students of the 9th form have had a lesson about the traditions of  celebration this holiday.

    They watched videos, listened to the information, did different tasks about ... Read more »

    Category: Top materials | Views: 741 | Added by: MsSavchenko2 | Date: 2018-11-21 | Comments (2)

    The students from K.R.Mangalan School, India,

    have invited the students from Troyeshchyna Gymnasium, Ukraine,

    and Doral Academy, the USA,

     to collaborate on  "Tale of Two Rivers"  project.     

    Hi from K.R.Mangalan School, India!

    The students are going to research to find out the reason behind pollution in the Ganges and the Thames.
    The students will ... Read more »

    Category: Top materials | Views: 649 | Added by: MsByzova | Date: 2018-11-20 | Comments (2)

    Dear students,

    The  international IEARN Learning Circles project has begun. The students of the gymnasium will share knowledge about Ukraine and learn about the world together with schoolchildren from different countries.

    The photo of our most active participants from 9 Grade on the threshold of the gymnasium is ready.)

    The students will prepare videos for their peers during the first week.

    You will continue  working with the teachers Ms N.Byzova, Ms T.Pikush and Ms T.Savchenko.

    Using IT in projects is interesting, informative not only for students, but also for teachers .

    Have a look how Ms T.Pikush easily confirms registration on the IEARN platform through a mobile phone (just on the way to her classroom).)

    ... Read more »

    Category: Top materials | Views: 701 | Added by: MsByzova | Date: 2018-09-17 | Comments (0)

    Hi everybody!

    Hope you've had wonderful holidays and are eager to dive into:

    - learning



    - being curious

    & productive

    - creative

    - and just happy!!!

    Best wishes,

    ... Read more »

    Views: 1449 | Added by: MsByzova | Date: 2018-08-28 | Comments (23)

    May all the dreams come true!

    Quotes of the day:
    You are worthy of your wildest dreams.


    You have a ticket to your dreams come true.


          &nb ... Read more »

    Views: 761 | Added by: MsByzova | Date: 2018-05-31 | Comments (2)

    Prologue (Introduction)



    VERONA, A PUBLIC PLACE. Sampson and Gregory fight with Abraham and Balthazar.

    ... Read more »

    Category: Top materials | Views: 855 | Added by: MsPikush2 | Date: 2018-05-23 | Comments (4)

    Congratulations to the pupils of 8-A, B, and G-classes of the Troyeschina gymnasium in Kyiv,

    who have completed with honors the projects in the IEARN "Computer Chronicles" (January-May 2018)!


    N. Bizova, T.Pikush, T.Savchenko, teachers of the Troyeshchyna gymnasium:

    B.Kramer, Global Learning Circles Coordinator at IEARN (USA).

    P.S. There is so much joint work with students from In ... Read more »

    Views: 906 | Added by: MsByzova | Date: 2018-05-16 | Comments (4)

    Today our students were having a skype conference with the pupils from India.

    For the whole semester we have been busy doing tasks for IEARN projects.

    The Indian team suggested the project idea.It was  Book Review.

    Our students were preparing projects about their favourite books for the Indian students. 

    They had been taught how to write a review.

    At the conference we met the Indian students, asked them different questions about their school life,

    history and after school activity and certainly about books.

    I would like to say thank you to the Indian teachers Ms.Uma Parasuraman, Ms. Sahana Paul.

    ... Read more »

    Views: 1760 | Added by: MsSavchenko2 | Date: 2018-05-10 | Comments (30)

     From the interview with Ms Shatrova, a teacher of English, one of the   first members in IEARN.

     - IEARN  has turned 30 this year. We know that you, as a teacher of   English, were among the first   teachers from Ukraine participating in   IEARN.

     -Yes, that's true. But not only me, also Inna Mykhailivna Kruhlova, a   teacher of Computer Studies was.

    - When was it?

    - We started in 2000-2001 school year.

    - Really?! It was a long time ago.

    - Yes, I've got wonderful memories of students' creativity and collaboration. ... Read more »

    Category: Top materials | Views: 887 | Added by: MsByzova | Date: 2018-05-03 | Comments (2)

    Today on 27 April

    the students of 8-A.B,V classes 

    have participated in the Grammar Quest. Tenses 

    (teachers: N.Byzova, T.Pikush, T.Savchenko)

    They had to revise the English tenses and make up sentences in order to describe

    - the school playground,

    - the school yard

    - and the park.

    Here is their plan of work:

    Task I Introduction. In the school playground.
    Revise tenses. Answer the question: Wha ... Read more »

    Category: Top materials | Views: 1416 | Added by: MsByzova | Date: 2018-04-27 | Comments (19)

    Easter is one of the best holidays in our country.

    It`s a  symbol of Christ resurrection.

    The main symbols of the holiday are pasky( sweet baked bread),

    eggs, dyed in different colours, roasted meat and sausage.

    Everithing is put into the basket and is blessed in church.

    People in Ukraine have a two-day holiday.On these days we don`t go to work or school.

    We usually meet with our friends and relatives.

    For the time being, why not have some ... Read more »

    Views: 1066 | Added by: MsSavchenko2 | Date: 2018-04-13 | Comments (6)

    Have a look at how Song Contest 2018 started!

    And here are the results of the contest!

    Greetings to  ... Read more »

    Category: Top materials | Views: 1057 | Added by: MsByzova | Date: 2018-04-01 | Comments (1)

    By 8 grade (A,V,G classes)
    About the last English lesson before spring holidays on the 23rd of March.
    Not every day starts with a smile, but ours has started!


    Feelings that it's the last day of school are freedom (Misha); happiness (Julia); relief (Anya);
    What's more, our meeting of all the groups was unexpected, unusual (Vova), funny (Olya), atmospheric (Katya), relaxing,
    touching (Ms Byzova); remarkable (Ms Savchenko), inspiring (Olya), wonderful (Liza), entertaining,
    cognitive (Dima).
    As for our activities, we were surfing (Troyeshchyna Land site) and enjoying ourselves, greeting our teacher (Ms Savchenko),on her birthday.
    We also signed up for IEARN site and even created this article. (8-V)


    ... Read more »

    Category: Top materials | Views: 962 | Added by: sviridenkokate | Date: 2018-03-23 | Comments (3)

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