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    "Troyeshchyna" Gymnasium Land
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    Hi, everybody!

    Do you enjoy our English decade? I do! It shows us that our pupils know English very well, they like it & do their best to emprove it.

    On the 4-th of February the 8-th formers had a lesson "My Star Time" We went across our book "Oxford Team-III" We revised vocabulary, grammar & spoke oll the themes we learnt. The best knowlledge was  shown by  Anna Slaboshpyts'ka, Lidia Chorna, Maxym Sokolov, Maryna Stepanyuk, Olexiy Podayko, Kateryna pogribna & others.

    On the 10-th of February the 11- formers had the lesson "Sweet Teens of Elevenformers" You know that "teens" means 16,17 -the time of being a teenager. It's, of course the b ... Read more »
    Category: Top materials | Views: 2175 | Added by: MsByzova | Date: 2011-02-10 | Comments (7)

    It'f fun for teachers and students to participate in the Foreign Language Week  activities in the gymnasium.
    One of them was the intellectual game  "English and American Writers", and I was invited as a member of jury.
    The game was based on the information taken from the books which had been read by the students before.
    The tasks for the students were prepared by their teacher of English Olena Mykolayivna Shatrova who has been teaching them since they were in the 5th form.
    Category: Top materials | Views: 772 | Added by: MsByzova | Date: 2011-02-08 | Comments (3)



    - About forty pupils work on our website, - Natalia Ivanivna began. - But today the weather is rainy and cold, children are hungry and tired after school, that's why only the most enthuziastic are present here. - She pointed at us. We six stood in the American  House (ETRC) in Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.
    - Well, I'm very glad to see all of them, - Tom Tasker smiled.





    Thomas Tasker is a Senior English Language Fellow, a grantee of the U.S. State Department program. He's going to stay in Ukraine for a year. He teaches our Ukrainian  teachers of English  to use new technologies. By the way, it's he who inspired Natalia Ivanivna, Tetyana Dmytrivna and Tetyana Oleksandrivna to create our website.

    ... Read more »
    Category: Top materials | Views: 1526 | Added by: Tiapkin | Date: 2011-01-18 | Comments (11)

    On 30 December "Troyeshchyna" gymnasium received wonderful news. The gymnasium got a status of the excellent educational establishment!!! Hurrah!!!    We did it!!! We? Yes!!!  The teachers and the students!!!


    Category: Top materials | Views: 1128 | Added by: MsByzova | Date: 2010-12-31 | Comments (6)






    Pupils of the 7 "Б" form had the English club meeting today.



    We talked about the origin of Christmas, about Christmas traditions in Britain.



    Information about Boxing Day was new for us.



    I prepared a task to find Christmas words among other words.
    Category: Top materials | Views: 893 | Added by: Nastasia | Date: 2010-12-24 | Comments (2)


    The students in "Troyeshchyna" gymnasium are looking forward to the gymnasium Eurovision Contest
    Here are some of their questions to Tetiana Mykolayivna Kondratenko,
    the head of the "Troyeshchyna" gymnasium Eurovision Organizing committee


    Nikita Frank : Can we sing in a duet?
    Tetiana Mykolayivna: As well, as in groups.

    &nb ... Read more »

    Category: Top materials | Views: 1214 | Added by: vZooM | Date: 2010-12-09 | Comments (3)

    Yesterday our students  Oleksiy Skursky and Dima Vikhtuk from 7-Б form became Kyiv champions in AIKIDO
     among sportsmen of their category(Oleksiy 30-40kg; Dima 40-50kg)! 
    Here is an interview with them:




    Nataliya Ivanivna: Congratulations! What are your feelings after the victory?




    Oleksiy: Thank you. My muscles hurt.



    Dima: Thank you. My muscles hurt and I feel happy!




    Category: Top materials | Views: 1504 | Added by: Nastasia | Date: 2010-12-06 | Comments (17)

    On the 4th December our "Troyeshchyna" gymnasium pupils are taking part in the district Olympiad in English. We wish them good luck in competitions.


    We hope they are brave and smart enough to win the first place.


    This is the video of the winners of the gymnasium Olympiad in English amon ... Read more »

    Category: Top materials | Views: 1212 | Added by: vZooM | Date: 2010-11-29 | Comments (7)


    Approximately twenty years ago children wore strictly school uniform at school. But since the 1990s school uniform has been cancelled. Children chose themselves a school dress. Anyway, many schools nowadays have school uniform. Is it good or had? This question has both advantages and disadvantages.



    Now, let`s consider positive aspects.


    Firstly, the school uniform has strictness which make children study at school more seriously.

    Further more, school uniform makes children more disciplined.

    More than that it isn`t very expensive. And every family can afford to buy it.

    More over, school uniform removes social inequality because both rich and poor children wear the same clothes.

    Further more, there is no such a question what to put on in the morning. Now, let`s pay our attention, to ... Read more »

    Attachments: Image 1
    Category: Top materials | Views: 9648 | Added by: Dima(littlefence) | Date: 2010-11-24 | Comments (6)



    Today on 15 November I visited the ETRC(English Teaching Resource Centre) and met with Mr Thomas Tasker, Senior English Language Fellow,  a grantee of the U.S. State Department program, and with the teachers - members of the New Technology group.



    I told them about the projects that are being created by "Troyeshchyna" gymnasium 7-8 grade students.
    The teachers were very interested and impressed by the amount of work done by the students.
    I hope you enjoy listening to Mr Thom ... Read more »
    Category: Top materials | Views: 1578 | Added by: MsByzova | Date: 2010-11-16 | Comments (14)

    This is an interview with Misha Vorotilov - the Champion of Ukraine in Rowing...(8-"Б" form  student)
    The interview was taken by Andriy Lavrinchuk, a freelance journalist fr ... Read more »
    Category: Top materials | Views: 1270 | Added by: Assa | Date: 2010-11-14 | Comments (5)



    We love you our dear TEACHERS! 




    The exhibition about teachers in childhood attracts everybody's attention!




    Where are our teachers?

    &n ... Read more »

    Category: Top materials | Views: 1560 | Added by: Anusishok | Date: 2010-09-29 | Comments (7)


    It's a nice tradition in our gymnasium to host teachers and pupils from Germany. This year German delegation arrived on 17 September and left on 23 September. Ukrainian and German students became friends very soon. The headmaster Victor Safiulin and a teacher of German Halyna Suvorova have come to greet the students.


    And I recollect 2002 when the first delegation from Germany came to our gymnasium. http://www.is.svitonline.com/dukeden/index.files/page0019.htm


    Frondenberg,(mel) Wenn man in ein fremdes Land fahrt, ist das immer aufregend. Doch in die Ukraine zu fahren, dazugehort schon ... Read more »
    Category: Top materials | Views: 936 | Added by: MsByzova | Date: 2010-09-24 | Comments (1)

    On 30 June 2010 Kyiv TV channel correspondent Vita (a former "Troyeshchyna" gymnasium student) 


    met "Troyeshchyna" gymnasium teacher of English Nataliya Byzova



     in order to talk about the best way of choosing language courses.






    Vita: How to choose the best courses?




    N.Byzova: Before choosing courses you have to test your knowledge  of a foreign language.






    Vita: How can you know what your level is? Can you do it by yourself?
    N.Byzova: You can find tests on the internet. You wil ... Read more »
    Category: Top materials | Views: 2485 | Added by: MsByzova | Date: 2010-06-30 | Comments (26)




    On 11-14 June best Kyiv and Kyiv region teachers were invited to check written tasks (letters), which were part of the independent test in English.





    Teachers had to check at least 24 letters a day.







    "Troyeshchyna" gymnasium teachers were said to be very professional.  Tetiana Pikush, Tetiana Kondratenko, Tetiana Savchenko, Olena Shatrova, Tina Tsarenko, Olga Ratushna, Halyna Suvorova, Lidiya Vykhrystenko and I, Nataliya Byzova, were involved there.

    &n ... Read more »

    Category: Top materials | Views: 985 | Added by: MsByzova | Date: 2010-06-15 | Comments (0)


    Click on the link to have a better view of the day as I have seen it.




    ... Read more »
    Category: Top materials | Views: 994 | Added by: MsByzova | Date: 2010-05-27 | Comments (0)



    The photo of those who have finished the 7th B grade with  flying colours.





    Category: Top materials | Views: 1004 | Added by: MsByzova | Date: 2010-05-27 | Comments (5)

     Gold medal: (12 points)



    We are still dreaming about it =)



     Silver medal: (11 points)

    Matukhina Julia
    Razumova Anna
    Oborska Anna

     Bronze medal: (10 points)

    Babiy Yevhen
    Diomina Anna
    Andreeva Tania
    Blonsky Victor
    Artykula Mikhaylo
    Stepaniuk Maryna
    Slaboshpytska Anna
    Sanotska Alina
    Sokolov Maxim
    Zayets Mikhaylo
    Kulikova Tania
    Kompanchenko Nikita


    ... Read more »

    Category: Top materials | Views: 1214 | Added by: vZooM | Date: 2010-05-21 | Comments (7)

    School year 2009/2010 is almost over. 

    On 18 May  "Troyeshchyna" gymnasium 11 grade pupils finished writing their final school tests.

    Only a week is left till the Last bell ceremony and Graduation party.


    Pupils of other grades are busy finishing their end of the year tasks.





    The feeling that holidays  are nearby is in the air and in the smiles of pupils.

    Category: Top materials | Views: 930 | Added by: MsByzova | Date: 2010-05-20 | Comments (3)

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