On August 24, 2011 Ukrainian people celebrate the 20th anniversary of Ukraine's Independence.
In pursuance of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine
"On approval of the Plan of activities to celebrate the 20th anniversary of independence of Ukraine",
the first lesson of the academic year 2011/2012 is recommended to dedicate to the celebration of
this significant date in secondary and vocational educational institutions of Ukraine.
The main goal of the first lesson is to
familiarize students with state-main events of independent Ukraine,
the basic principles of democratic and social system of Ukraine,
its achievements in recent years;
consolidate knowledge of state symbols
(emblem, flag, anthem, Constitution of Ukraine - the Constitution),
such concepts and categories as a people, nation, ethnic group, state,
national, civil rights and responsibilities, strengthening civic skills of students;
promote value-attitude towards the state, society, language, family, self,
sense of personal responsibility for the fate of their country and Ukrainian people.
The recommendations can be found in the section
"Legislation" N 1/9-516 letter of the Ministry of 06/07/2011.