Full description of project: "One Day in the Life" is a highly interactive project
in which students post messages and images in our forum describing ordinary and special days in their lives,
and then make cross-cultural comparisons.
Students may document aspects of a typical day (like visiting the market or going to school)
or they may document special days (like vacations, birthdays, celebrations, or holidays.)
Autobiographical documentary photography and video and other media
(typically with accompanying explanatory text) are welcomed.
In addition to the ongoing forum activities, there will be three "OneDay events" in 2011-2012: The first on Friday, November 11th,
and the second in March/April 2012
and a third in July -
when students around the world will document parts of one specific day using photography,
writing, and other media.
It's very easy to participate - just document your routines on the scheduled day,
such morning chores, breakfast, getting to school, school routines, after-school activities,
community life, evening activities at home, etc.
Then, post and discuss your work in the One Day forum.(From the description of the project)