My favourite weather is rain. During this time you dream... Sometimes I see rain and fog so romantic. I feel the drops on me, sliding down my face, and if I'm in the forest or in the street, I feel ancient and strange as a spirit passing through the earth.
I love falling asleep to the sound of raindrops on the roof. I like the sound of water on the street and the raging torrent of the river under the bridge.
I can go out in the rain, or I can stay home. depending on my mood and health.
Sometimes rain makes my mood perfectly.
I also like rain. In autumn I like listening to rain drops falling down and making noise. In summer I enjoy walking in the rain and breathing it with every cell of my body.
And joyful singing birds. Грози Грози в душі висиджують Зливи, як курченят, Доки ті не випадуть Дощами слів. Мої думки - мов похилі квіти, Мов притихлі птахи сумні.
Та все ж приходьте, грози, Висиджуйте зливи. Коли ви падаєте Дощами слів, Мої думки – мов у танці, квіти, Мов пташок світанковий спів.
I opened my eyes And looked up at the rain, And it dripped in my head And flowed into my brain, And all that I hear as I lie in my bed Is the slishity-slosh of the rain in my head.
I step very softly, I walk very slow, I can't do a handstand-- I might overflow, So pardon the wild crazy thing I just said-- I'm just not the same since there's rain in my head.
На дощ я поглянув, З неба він, як струмок, Прямо в голову "хлюп" - Так, що й мозок промок. І все, що я чую у ліжку вночі, - В мізках булькає дощ і біжить по плечі.
Ступаю я м'яко У пору нічну, На руки не стану, Бо повінь почну. Пробачте за все, що я тут Вам кажу, Я іншим зробивсь, як з дощем я хожу.
I don't like autumn and winter rain, because streets become rivers and mood of people become worse I prefer summer rain when you can went out your houses to the street or garden, stay on the grass dance and enjoy the rain! I think it is really enjoyable and the rain make you closer to the nature