Charles Joseph McDonnell was born on 1 October 1990 (20 years old)
He's British most subscribed youtuber. On 15 June 2011 he g0t 1,000,000 sudscribers!!
4 years ago young 16 years old Charlie signed up on YouTube instead of learning for examinations.
He watched different vlogs and understood that he could make his own vlog.
His first videos were about his interests like"How to be English?","
Understand Teenage-girls"
or "How to get featured on YouTube".
After a while Charlie appeared on the front page of British YouTube. Soon he got more than 4,400 subscribers.
On April 2010 when quantity of his subscribers was 300,000 he got the title of the most popular video-vlogger of Britain.
At this time he has two accounts on YouTube
1. charlieissocoollike (129 videos)
2. charlieissoboredlike (11 videos)
In one of the first videos he said that viewers can think of special "mission" for him and writing it in the comments.
He called this "Challenge Charlie".
Now he has about 20 challenges. For example he is dying his hair in red, body in purple, eating baby food, presenting his "awesome" American accent, drinking ketchup, presenting his flat and fully cutting his hair.
He is also singing and playing on the ukulele, drums and guitar. He has 3 groups.
One of them has dedicated his favourite TV-show "Doctor Who"
By the way, 75% his fans are girls ;)
I am a girl and I love him too. He is a very kind, funny and creative person.
I like his jokes, songs, smile, bright eyes and red hair ^